WELL christmas wasn't a big "WOW" to me and babe ,Just have a little party going on in my house that's all with some guests around.LOLS, Just eat the good stuff non-stop only,christmas is just 1 day.hahah ,then she stayed over at my house
Tsktsk, waking up in the morning and the 1st thing i saw was my little girl sleeping,haha so cute, after that we washed up and sat down and have our breakfast luh, My tea is great right dar!BLEHS, well,i planned and bought tickets online for the show Australia .
The show was fine i give 3.5 / 5 stars for it.haha
Labels: 1st christmas with U
Labels: headaches + sleepless nights
Labels: We Learn only at the very last minute most of the time when things are at it's worse.
My eyes wasn't suppose to be closed..ROFL
Listening ,LOL
C-7 peeps
Labels: look at the sky and feel happy:D
Labels: Going forward knowing you are by my sides solves all else.